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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DVM's in Oracle BPEL


This function returns a string by looking up the value for target column in the DVM where the value for source column is equal to the source value. The source value is an xpath expression bound to the source document of the XSLT transformation. The expression will be evaluated during the transformation and the result value will be passed as the source value for lookup. This function takes 5 parameters.


orcl:lookup-dvm ('StateCodes','Long',/inp1:Customer/Profile/AccountRep/Address/State,'Short',"")


orcl:lookup-dvm (dvmName as string, sourceColumn as string, sourceValue as xpath expression, targetColumnName as string, defaultValue as string)


  • dvmName
  • sourceColumnName
  • sourceValue
  • targetColumnName
  • defaultValue
  • orcl:lookup-dvm('CRMAppReference','Reference','SuccessCode','Value', '0')

Property IDs:

  • namespace-uri:
  • namespace-prefix: orcl

· There are two ways you can use orcl:lookup-dvm() in BPEL.

1) In Assign node and 2) In Transformation xsl.

· Lets say the DVM is configured like Fig-1 in your ESB dvm tab under your esb console.Now in assign node, the code to assign appropriate age to name would be


· In the above code, the age will be dynamically assigned for variable rbi:Details/vhr:name by using orcl:lookup-dvm() advance funtion.


· In any Transformation xsl, the same logic can be used under BPEL project for dynamically mapping the Age value based on the dvm configuration.


orcl:lookup-dvm('CRMAppReference','Reference','SuccessCode','Value', '0')

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